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Danjoo Djena Koorliny

Danjoo Djena Koorliny – Walking Together for the Future

We cannot force people to listen to our stories. But when they are ready to listen and walk beside us we will be a better nation because of it.  – Adam Goodes

In 2019 ÐÓÊ®°ËÓÀ¾ÃµØÖ··¢²¼ embraced the opportunity to ‘walk together for the future’ with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, through the formation of our Aboriginal Culturally Responsive Steering Committee, guided by Whadjuk Noongar elder, Dr Noel Nannup, and supported by Kim Bridge, a Shenton father of Kija background.

ÐÓÊ®°ËÓÀ¾ÃµØÖ··¢²¼ has always been a proudly inclusive school with a proudly inclusive community. We realised, however, that we have a responsibility to give a voice to those who have been silenced and to address the gaps in our history as a school and a community. To live up to our values as an inclusive school, we need to ensure that the voices of the First Peoples of Australia are heard throughout all facets of our learning community.

Our Fair, Just and Even approach to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples should be a continuous commitment to learning about our shared histories, our joined cultures, and our collective achievements. We commit to taking guidance from the voices of people who hold 60,000 years’ worth of kaartdijin, and weaving this ancestral knowledge into the fabric of our school.

Our aim is to ensure that all of our students feel connected to culture – from their very first steps onto our school grounds, located on the traditional lands of the Whadjuk Noongar people, to their final steps out into an adult world.

Through caring for each other, being curious towards First Nations’ cultures and histories, and working collaboratively with, and for, each other, we equip our students and our staff to listen, learn and walk beside Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples for a better nation and a brighter tomorrow.

Our Charter

We, the staff and students of ÐÓÊ®°ËÓÀ¾ÃµØÖ··¢²¼, share a responsibility for moving forward together with care, curiosity and collaboration to embrace Aboriginal histories, cultures, languages and knowledge. We commit to transforming our relationships through bold dialogue; fair, just and even curriculum; and far-reaching immersion.

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