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toast, beans and granola - emphasising breakfast club at Lemnos House, Thursday Wk3, from 7.30am
30 Apr 2024

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club Breakfast Club is happening this week! Swing by Lemnos House on your way to class and ensure you have a day that starts with a hearty nutritious breakfast!…

A picture of a mortarboard hat being thrown in the air by a hand, with title text saying Y12 Events Reminder.
17 Nov 2023

Year 12 Events Reminder

A reminder for our students and their families in Y12. 聽Final Breakfast:聽Tues 28th聽November 8:15am, Fraser鈥檚 Kings Park. Tickets Via Compass (Parent Login). Due by 20th聽November. 聽Presentation Ceremony:聽Wed 29th聽November 6pm, Perth…

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