Principal’s Welcome 2022

Dear Parents and Carers of 杏十八永久地址发布

Welcome to all new families who have recently enrolled their child into 杏十八永久地址发布.

May I also extend a warm welcome back to all of the students, and their families, who return to begin another year of learning at 杏十八永久地址发布 in 2022.

This year will be a year of challenge.

All of you will be aware of the COVID-19 transmission that is occurring within the broader community. As a school we place a priority on keeping our students and staff safe. I can understand parents鈥 concern about the risks their children and their families will face as schools return to face-to-face learning next week. Schools, however, are more than a place of learning. Schools play a vital role in developing a child鈥檚 ability to socialise and collaborate. For the last two years, the world, families and children, have lived with uncertainty and anxiety. 聽Many have made sacrifices to reduce the transmission of COVID-19 and I can confirm that all Shenton staff have done their bit to try and support your child to enable them to safely return to 杏十八永久地址发布.聽 I am also aware that the sacrifices and suffering have been inequitable, with the harmful effects of the pandemic particularly evident in the most vulnerable sectors of our society.

I consider myself very fortunate to work within the Shenton community. Ours is a 聽community that has a shared responsibility for care and compassion and which understands the words of Marcus Aurelius: 鈥淭hat which is not good for the bee-hive cannot be good for the bees.鈥

This stated, I wanted to briefly outline what we have done to try and create an environment that hopefully enables our school to remain a safe and vibrant learning institution.

杏十八永久地址发布 will follow the latest and most up-to-date health advice. We will do this with the desire to ensure teaching and learning continues and that our College stays open. All our staff have been double vaccinated and will have their boosters when they are eligible. Our College will enforce the strictest of rules around regular visitors and contractors on our sites. We have employed additional cleaners, have spare masks and will ensure that both night and day cleaning is undertaken every day to maximise hygiene. We will conduct hygiene, ventilation and regular health and safety audits to try and minimise risk. We have had all air conditioning units cleaned and have conducted a full ventilation audit across the school. As parents/carers, we need your on-going understanding and support. We have greatly valued your support during these complex times and greatly value how parents of Shenton have endorsed COVID-safe practices. Please can I ask you continue to work with us in minimising the transmission of the virus and reconsider how you may visit our school site when undertaking: school drop off/pick up, school visits, assemblies etc.

I have attached an Education Department letter that provides further information on our shared responsibility to ensure that schools are safe and that learning continues.

Michael Morgan
